Monday 12 March 2012

Delete cache in Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is very important in network connection by TCP/IP protocol. If you see an error saying that you can not access web page or ping to a an address you should delete the buffer memory ( cache ) of ARP.

For Win XP, 2000, 2003, do as follow:
Go to Start –> Run –> cmd –> and type
netsh interface ip delete arpcache

For Win Vista, 7 and 2008: 
Run CMD with your administrator right (right click on Command line in Accessory and choose Runs as Admininistrator) and Type:
netsh interface ip delete neighbors

The ARP cache will update in 2 to 20 minutes depending on your system.

To veiw ARP type: arp –a

To delete an address from ARP table use this command :  arp –d


Assign an static IP address with MAC address: arp –s 



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